Leopold Gustave Lehman, Martin Gael Oyono, Samuel Fosso et Charles Félix Bilong Bilong
Léopold Gustave Lehman, Loick Pradel Kojom Foko, Calvin Tonga, Hervé Nyabeyeu Nyabeyeu, Else Carole Eboumbou, Larissa Kouodjip Nono, Lafortune Kangam, Arlette Linda Ngapmen, Peguy Brice Assomo Ndemba, Isabelle Matip and Nicolas Policarpe Nolla
20- Influence of urbanization on the sensitivity of female adults of the Anopheles gambiae complex to essential oils of some plants from the Littoral region of Cameroon
Patrick Ntonga Akono, Calvin Tonga, Pierre Michel Jazet Dongmo, Sevilor Kekeunou, Nadine Lopedji Tedongmo and Leopold Gustave Lehman19- Akono Ntonga P, Tonga C, Kekeunou S, Jazet Dongmo P M, Magne Tamdem G, Kou-Otou S, Lopedji Tedongmo N, Lehman L G. Activités larvicide et nymphocide des huiles essentielles des péricarpes des fruits mûrs de quelques espèces de Citrus sur Culex pipiens Linnaeus 1758, vecteur de la filariose de Bancroft au Cameroun. Cameroon Journal of Biological and Biochemical Sciences 2016, 24, 18-25 18- Ntonga Akono P, Mbida Mbida JA, Tonga C, Belong P, Ngo Hondt OE, Tamdem Magne G, Peka MF and Lehman LG. 1- Impact of vegetable crop agriculture on anopheline agressivity and malaria transmission in urban and less urbanized settings of the South region of Cameroon. Parasites and vectors. 2015; 8:293 16- Ule Ngole Sumbele I, Kuokuo Kimbi H, Lum Ndamukong-Nyanga J, Malaika Nweboh, Kuoh Anchang-Kimbi J, Emmaculate Lum, Yannick Nana, Kenneth K. J. Ndamukong, Lehman LG. Malarial Anaemia and Anaemia Severity in Apparently Healthy Primary School Children in Urban and Rural Settings in the Mount Cameroon Area: Cross Sectional SurveyPLOS ONE journal. 2015; 1-17.
15- Lum Ndamukong-Nyanga J, Kuokuo Kimbi H, Ule Ngole Sumbele I, Sunjo Bertek C, Kangam L, Kouodjip Nono L, Mbiakop Kemajou G, Ngapmen Yamadji AL, Nyabeyeu Nyabeyeu H, Assomo Ndemba PB, Mbang SM, Tonga C, Kenneth J. N. Ndamukong and Lehman LG. Comparison of the Partec CyScope® Rapid Diagnostic Test with Light Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis in Rural Tole, Southwest Cameroon.British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. 2015; 8(7): 623-633. 14- Akono PN, Tonga C, Kekeunou S et Lehman LG. Mosquito species diversity and malaria transmission in Ayos, an area of degraded forest targeted for universal long-lasting insecticidal net distribution in southern Cameroon. African Entomology. 2014; 22(3): 602–610 (akono et al 2014) 13- Kimbi KH, Nana Y, Sumbele NI, Anchang-Kimbi JK, Lum E, Tonga C, Nweboh M et Lehman LG. Environmental Factors and Preventive Methods against Malaria Parasite Prevalence in Rural Bomaka and Urban Molyko, Southwest Cameroon. Bacteriology & Parasitology. 2013; 4 (1). 12- Kimbi KH, Njoh TD, Ndamukong KJN et Lehman LG. Malaria in HIV/AIDS Patients at Different CD4+ T Cell Levels in Limbe, Cameroon. Bacteriology & Parasitology. 2013; 4 (1). 11- Kimbi HK, Sumbele IU, Nweboh M, Anchang-Kimbi JK, Lum E, Nana Y, Ndip LM, Njom H, Lehman LG. Malaria and haematologic parameters of pupils at different altitudes along the slope of Mount Cameroon: a cross-sectional study. Malaria Journal. 2013;12:193. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-12-193. 10- Tonga C., Kimbi HK, Anchang-Kimbi JK., Nyabeyeu HN., Bissemou ZB., Lehman LG. Malaria Risk Factors in Women on Intermittent Preventive Treatment at Delivery and Their Effects on Pregnancy Outcome in Sanaga-Maritime, Cameroon. Plos one, 2013; 8(6): e65876. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065876 9- Kimbi KH, Keka CF, Nyabeyeu Nyabeyeu H, Ajeagah UH, Tonga C, Lum E, Asaah GH, Lehman LG. Asymptomatic Malaria in School Children and Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of the Partec Cyscope® in the Mount Cameroon Region. J BacteriolParasitol;2012, 3:7 8- Nkondjio CA, Talom DB, Fotso Tagne R, Fossog TB, Ndo C, Lehman LG, Tchuinkam T, Kengne P, Ambene AP. High mosquito burden and malaria transmission in a district of the city of Douala, Cameroon. BMC Infectious Diseases; 2012, 12: 275. 7- Kimbi KH, Keka CF, Nyabeyeu Nyabeyeu H, Ajeagah UH, Tonga C, Lum E, Asaah GH, Lehman LG. An Update of Asymptomatic Falciparum Malaria in School Children in Muea, Southwest Cameroon. J Bacteriol Parasitol; 2012, 3:8 6- Gouado I, Lehman LG, Somme Issa T, Mbouyap Y, Pankoui Mfonkeu JB.,Ejoh Aba R., Tchouanguep Mbiapo F. Influence of malaria on serum levels of vitamin A, zinc and calcium in children in Douala. African Journal of Biotechnology 2007, 6 (7): 871-876. 5- Lell B, Jürgen May, Schmidt-Ott RJ, Lehman LG, Luckner D, Greve B, Matousek P, Schmid D, Herbich K, Mockenhaupt FP, Meyer CG, Bienzle U and Kremsner PG. The Role of Red Blood Cell Polymorphisms in Resistance and Susceptibility to Malaria.Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1999; 28:794–9 4- Greve B, Lehman LG, Lell B, Luckner D, Schmidt-Ott R, and Kremsner PG. High Oxygen Radical Production Is Associated with Fast Parasite Clearance in Children with Plasmodium falciparum Malaria.The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1999; 179:1584–6. 3- Luty AJF, Lell B, Schmidt-Ott R, Lehman LG, Luckner D, Greve B, Matousek P, Herbich K, Schmid D, Migot-Nabias F, Deloron P, Nussenzweig RS, and Kremsner PG. Interferon-g Responses Are Associated with Resistance to Reinfection with Plasmodium falciparum in Young African Children.The Journal of Infectious Diseases 1999; 179:980–8. 2- Lell B, Lehman LG, Schmidt-Ott RJ, Sturchler D, Handschin J, and Kremsner PG. Malaria Chemotherapy Trial at a minimal effective dose of Mefloquine/Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine compared with equivalents doses of Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine or Mefloquine alone. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1998; 58(5): 619–624 1- Ranford-Cartwright LC, Taylor J, Umasunthar T, Taylor LH, Babikerl HA, Schmidt-Ott JR, L. G. Lehman LG, Lell B, Walliker D and Kremsne PG. Molecular analysis of recrudescent parasites in a Plasmodium falciparum drug efficacy trial in Gabon. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1997; 91: 719,724.
VIH/SIDA et Tuberculose
1. Facteurs prédictifs de naissance d´un nouveau-né séronégatif issu d´une mère séropositive au VIH à Douala Essomba NE, Adiogo D, Lehman LG, Ngaba GP, Coppieters Y Health Sciences and Diseases, 2018, vol 19 (1): 31-39
2. HIV, HBV, HCV and T. pallidum infections among blood donors and Transfusion-related complications among recipients at the Laquintinie hospital in Douala, Cameroon. BMC Hematology, 2014; 14:5.
3. Stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS in health care settings: a comparative study in two hospitals of different categories in Douala-Cameroon. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2014.
4. Point sur la situation des antirétroviraux au Cameroun en 2013_The case of antiretrovirals in Cameroon at 2013. Revue de Pédecine et de Pharmacie, 2013; 3 (1): 300-307.
5. Comportement à risque de transmission du HIV des élèves et étudiants de Douala, Cameroun. Risk behavior of HIV transmission of pupils and students in Douala, Cameroon. Mali Medical, 2013; 18 (4): 16-21.
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7. Intestinal parasitic and candida infection associated with HIV infection in Cameroon. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2013; 7 (2): 137-143.
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9. Simplified volumetric flow cytometry allows feasible and accurate determination of CD4 T lymphocytes in immunodeficient patients worldwide. Antivir Ther. 2004 Jun;9(3):395-405
Hématologie - Parasitologie
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Physiologie du Sport
1- Ba A, Sow AK, Diaw M, Ouedraogo V, Touré M, Tiendrebeogo AJF, Loubano-Voumbi G, Houndjo SD, Seck A, Mandengue SH, Seck D, Samb A. (2016). Comparative study of three methods for QT interval correction in African national level football players. J. Physiol Pathophysiol. 7(2):7-14. 2- Nkenlifack S, Mandengue SH , Assomo Ndemba PB, Temfemo A, Bika Lele EC, Guessogo WR, Mekoulou Ndongo J, Tchoudjin E, Etoundi-Ngoa LS. (2016). Menstruations et performances chez les athlètes amateurs camerounais. Annales des Sciences de la Santé 7(1) : 16-24. 3- Guessogo WR, Temfemo Abdou, Mandengue SH , Assomo Ndemba PB, Messina Ondoua RT, Hamadou A, Laurent S. Etoundi-Ngoa LS, Ahmaidi S. (2016). Effect of 24-week repeated short-time walking based training program on physical fitness of black Cameroonian obese women. J. Exerc. Rehab;12(2):90-98. 4- Guessogo WR, Mandengue SH , Assomo Ndemba PB, Olinga Medjo U, Ebal Minye E, Ahmaidi S, Temfemo Abdou. (2016). Effect of 24-week Physical and functional follow-up of tuberculosis patients in initial intensive phase of treatment in Cameroon using the 6-min walk test. J. Exerc. Rehab.;12(4):333-339. 5- Guessogo WR, Temfemo Abdou, Mandengue SH , Assomo Ndemba PB, Hamadou A, Laurent S. Etoundi-Ngoa LS, Ahmaidi S. (2016). Repeated short-time and continuous long-time walking tests in obese women. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 175(10):400-407. 6- Mandengue SH., Bita Fouda AA., Epacka Ewane M., Moumbe Tamba S., Kollo B. (2015). Épidémiologie de l´obésité en milieu estudiantin à Douala, Cameroun. Médecine et Sante Tropicales ; 25 : 386-391. 7- Assomo Ndemba PB, Mandengue SH, Guessogo WR, Temfemo A, Mekoulou Ndongo J, Gassina G, Etoundi-Ngoa SL. (2014). Physiological and performance responses to a running in linear vs. closed track during the twelve minutes run test. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche; 173 (12): 629-34.
8- Esse Mbottey A, Epacka Ewane Lobe M, Eboumbou CE, Mandengue SH. (2014) Complications dégénératives et grossesse au cours d´un diabète de type 1 traité par pompe à insuline. Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie. 4(2) : 1-4.
9- Assomo P, Mandengue S.H, Guessogo W, Nguimouth A, Temfemo A, Etoundi-Ngoa S. (2013). Effects of randomization versus pre-orientation of subjects for the prediction of maximum oxygen uptake using the twelve minutes run test. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 8 (3): 829-836.
10- Bonny A, Bika Lele EC, Mandengue SH, Larrazet F, Amara W. (2013). Ethnic differences in electrocardiogram between a black African and a white European young adult population under 35years. La Presse Médicale; 42 : 96-105.
11- Moumbe Tamba S, Epacka Ewane M, Bonny A, Nkidiaka Muisi C, Nana E, Ellong A, Ebana Mvogo C, Mandengue SH. (2013). Micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes mellitus in Cameroon: risk factors and effect of diabetic check-up - a monocentric observational study. Pan African Medical Journal. 15 (1) : 141-150.
12- Assomo Ndemba P.B., Mandengue S.H., Faye J., Diop M., Guessogo W. R., Bâ A., Cissé F., Etoundi-Ngoa S-L. (2012).
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport; 12(2): 282-290 13- Epacka Ewane M., Mandengue S.H., Belle Priso E., Moumbe Tamba S., Ahmadou., Bita Fouda A. (2012). Dépistage des maladies cardiovasculaires chez des étudiants de l´Université de Douala et influence des activités physiques et sportives. Pan African Medical Journal ; 11 (4), 77-82. 14- Mandengue S.H., Temfemo A., Miladi I., Bishop D.J., Moalla W., Ahmaidi S. (2012). Analysis of the effects of self-selected warm-up on isometric contraction performance and on surface electromyogram of vastus lateralis. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport; 12(1): 24-36 15- Epacka Ewane M., Mandengue S.H., Ahmadou G., Moumbe Tamba S., Dzudie A., Luma H.N. (2011). Dépistage des maladies cardiovasculaires et des facteurs de risque dans une cohorte de 270 Camerounais: Effets des activités physiques et sportives. Médecine des maladies Métaboliques;5(6):655-658. 16- Temfemo A., Lelard T., Carling C., Mandengue S.H., Chlif M., Ahmaidi S. (2011). Feasibility and reliability of a repeated sprint test in children age 6 to 8 years. Pediatr Exerc Sci.; 23(4):549-59 17- Miladi I., Temfemo A., Mandengue S. H., Ahmaidi S. (2011). Effect of recovery mode on exercise-time to exhaustion, cardiorespiratory responses and blood lactate after prior, intermittent supramaximal.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; 25 (1): 205-210 18- Faye J., Diop M., Gati Ouonkoye R., Seck M., Mandengue S.H., MbengueA., Samb A., Gueye L., Cissé F. (2011). Prévalence de l´obésité de l´enfant et de l´adolescent en milieu scolaire à Dakar. Bull Soc Pathol Exot.; 104 : 1-4. 19- Temfemo A., Chlif M., Mandengue S.H., Lelard T., Choquet D., Ahmaidi S. (2011). Is there a beneficial effect difference between age, gender, and different cardiac pathology groups of exercise training at ventilatory threshold in cardiac patients? Cardiol J.;18 (6):632-8. 20- Gati Ouonkoye R., Bâ A., Mandengue S.H., Faye J., Badji L., Sar Sarr F.B., Sarr M., Kane M.O., Hounkpevi S.F.C., Cissé F (2010) Paramètres anthropométriques et physiologiques des coureurs du semi–marathon de Dakar : Relation entre VO2max et performance. Cinésiologie ; 249-250 : 84-88 21- Temfemo A., Hugues J., Chardon K., Mandengue S. H., Ahmaidi S. (2009) Relationship between vertical jumping performance and anthropometric characteristics during growth in boys and girls. Eur J Pediatr ; 168: 457-464. 22- Mandengue S. H., Miladi I., Bishop D., Temfemo A., Cissé F., Ahmaidi S. (2009) Methodological approach for determining optimal active warm-up Intensity: Predictive equations. Science et Sport; 24: 9-14. 23- Faye J., Camara I.K., Diop M., Sarr F.B., Ba A., Mandengue S.H., Samb A., Gueye L., Cissé F. (2009). Effet de la pratique d´activités physiques sur des qualités physiologiques et anthropométriques chez des femmes adultes sénégalaises. Cinésiologie; 245: 52-55 24- Effets d´une restriction hydrique et alimentaire prolongée (Ramadan) sur la performance et les réponses cardiovasculaires au cours d´un exercice incrémental en milieu tropical chaud.Sciences et Sports; Février 2007.22(1):50-53 25- Sarr M., Mandengue S.H., Sarr F.B., Ba A., Cissé F., Gueye L., Samb A. (2007). Récupération des pertes pondérales et de masse grasse chez des footballeurs après une série de matches en milieu chaud. Cinésiologie 231 : 21-23 26- Mandengue S. H., Miladi I., Bishop D., Temfemo A., Cissé F., Ahmaidi S.(2007) Validation of a method for determining optimal active warm-up Intensity. Science et Sport (soumis)
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